Wednesday 30 September 2015

Happy Ending?

"There are no happy endings.
Endings are the saddest part,
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start."

Coming across this quote at this stage in my life seems pretty fitting. As things come to a close nostalgia kicks and everything and everyone becomes submerged in a feeling of unease, anxiousness and finality. I understand the end of high school is not the end just yet but the beginning of a new journey but I can't help but dwell on the past.

This will be the end of our childhood.

We will no longer be children relying on the adults around.

The end of simple.

'Endings are the saddest part' is the line that sticks with me. It doesn't matter how fitting it is to whatever story to who-ever's tale, endings are the finality leaving no room for possibilities. In life the only ending we will get is death but we can make it a happy journey and fill it with happy memories keeping in mind that even our tragedies are nothing compared to the end. This is another thought I will be keeping close to my heart this year; my childhood days filled with silly mistakes are still here. I'll make the most of it, live everyday as a child and stop pretending to be an adult as I'll get there soon enough.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Two Years Later

After a hectic two years I am trying to re-rediscover my passion to write, I have to say 're-rediscover' as this was the initial motif for this blog. I apologize profusely and I promise to try to be more frequent when writing posts.

These past few years not only have I been busy with school but I have also spent this time forming opinions and building on my charter. Slowly but surely I am trying to figure out who I am and what I'd like to do with me life, my likes and dislikes, what type of person I am in general. Previously I didn't plan any of my posts but wrote what I thought at the top of my head, I thought this would be the charm of my posts, the uncensored spur of the moment ideas.

But spontaneity can only get a person so far with thought sounding self obsessed therefore I've decided I am changing my posts slightly. I want to be able to voice my opinions on the subjects I feel passionately about; an essay/post format of my everyday thoughts.

So one again this is my in my little World.