Monday 15 July 2013

Childhood Days

I know it's been said before: I miss being a child; I didn't care about what people thought and vain unnecessary things. I miss the naivety of being a child, being a child meant everything was striped down, all confusion and complicatedness gone. You didn't care about our appearance, who you were with, no worry about the future. And I hate how life has made us into creatures that worry, are confused and a complicated mess. I know that no one out there thinks there life is perfect, everyone has baggage.

But why do we have to worry? Why do we have to change? Is it a way of survival, something we've evolved to do? A child, any child, is pure and honest. It doesn't matter how they are brought up by and what they'll become, everyone as a child was straight forward and to the point. Personally I think we should get more advice from children than we should 'adults', yes they know better but a child has a fresh straight to the point mind.

I started to think this way as I've just had work experience. I was in a primary school working with reception and nursery and the saying 'stop acting childish' came to mind. These children there (in my opinion) we're better people than those older than them. Thy showed what they felt, they didn't hide anything and they we'e free. They said anything that came to mind and tried their best with everything they did.

This made me think of my younger self, how I used to run around naked (don't judge I was 3)  and have no care about it. I was just being me. I made friends and trusted to easily, everything was simple and that made me want to stop 'growing up', at the age of 10 I think thats when the best years of your life have finished. Why does society make us into these insecure people? What is the point of second guessing ourselves?

 So I ask you all to at the very least have one day (even maybe every other month) to just let go, I want you to run around as if you have no control over your limbs, ask that person out because you like them and tell them how you feel, do something just 'cause you want to and not care what others thought. GO crazy and relive your childhood days.

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